



Final Fantasy VIII came after the mega hit Final Fantasy VII, it in itself was a very successful game release for Square. For more on the history of Final Fantasy VIII read here. The Game Engine

Engine constants

Details of the Game

Media Formats

= File Formats =

Movie Files

  • [PAK] Movie Archives

Sound Files

  • [FMT] Sound Archives

Battle files

Field files

  • Opcodes Field script opcodes
  • [MCH] Field Character Models
  • [ONE] Field Character Models Container
  • [MIM] Field Background Image Data
  • [MAP] Field Background Tile Data
  • [JSM] Field Scripts
  • [SYM] Field Script names (unused)
  • [MSD] Field Dialogs
  • [INF] Field Gateways
  • [ID] Field Walkmesh (same format as FF7)
  • [CA] Field Camera
  • [TDW] Extra font
  • [MSK] Movie cam (?)
  • [RAT & [MRT]] Battle related
  • [PMD] Particle Info
  • [PMP] Particle Image Data
  • [PVP] Unknown (often 0x0c000000, sometimes 0x0a000000 or 0x0b000000)
  • [SFX] Indexes to Sound Effects (?)

World map files

Tools and Patches