Pc media



Data File Format

Located in the \\Data\\ folder, there are five (or six for the maximum installation) sets of three files.

.fs (File Source)

This is the main data source for all the files in a given category. The files are either LZSed or left raw (See notes on .fi files) and all concatenated together.

.fl (File List)

This is a simple flatfile using a DOS-style text encoding (uses both Carriage_Return and Line_Feed to indicate a new line) containing a sequential list of absolute paths and file names of the files stored in the .fs file.

.fi (File Index)

For each file in the .fs archive, there are 3 Long Words (12 bytes) of data in this file.

Data Offset
Length of unpacked file 0x00
Location of packed file with .fs archive 0x04
Compression used (1 = LZS; 0 = None) 0x08