Kernel.bin section 3

This file contains a bunch of information about character growth and battles. Table below explains it all (credits go to Terence F. for this).

General data layout

Offset Length Description
0x0000 56 bytes Character data: Cloud (see below)
0x0038 56 bytes Character data: Barret
0x0070 56 bytes Character data: Tifa
0x00A8 56 bytes Character data: Aeris
0x00E0 56 bytes Character data: Red XIII
0x0118 56 bytes Character data: Yuffie
0x0150 56 bytes Character data: Cait Sith
0x0188 56 bytes Character data: Vincent
0x01C0 56 bytes Character data: Cid
0x01F8 12 x 1 byte Random bonus to primary stats
0x0204 12 x 1 byte Random bonus % to HP
0x0210 12 x 1 byte Random bonus % to MP
0x021C 37 x 16 bytes Primary stat curve 0 - 36 (see below)
0x046C 9 x 16 bytes HP stat curve 37 - 45 (Base * 40)
0x04FC 9 x 16 bytes MP stat curve 46 - 54 (Base * 2)
0x058C 9 x 16 bytes EXP stat curve 55 - 63 (Gradient is quadratic, no Base)
0x61C 1508 bytes Character AI data (see below)
0xC00 540 bytes FF padding
0xE1C 256 bytes Random number look-up table (all numbers from 0-255 are here)
0xF1C 64 bytes Scene.bin look-up table (see below)
0xF5C 56 bytes Spell order from Magic menu in battles (see below)

Table 1: Section 3 of kernel.bin description

Character data record

Offset Length Function
0x00 1 byte Strength Level-Up Curve
0x01 1 byte Vitality Level-Up Curve
0x02 1 byte Magic Level-Up Curve
0x03 1 byte Spirit Level-Up Curve
0x04 1 byte Dexterity Level-Up Curve
0x05 1 byte Luck Level-Up Curve
0x06 1 byte HP Level-Up Curve
0x07 1 byte MP Level-Up Curve
0x08 1 byte Experience Level-Up Curve
0x09 1 byte FF (padding)
0x0A 1 byte Starting Level
0x0B 1 byte FF (padding)
0x0C 1 byte Limit Command 1-1
0x0D 1 byte Limit Command 1-2
0x0E 1 byte Limit Command 1-3 (UNUSED)
0x0F 1 byte Limit Command 2-1
0x10 1 byte Limit Command 2-2
0x11 1 byte Limit Command 2-3 (UNUSED)
0x12 1 byte Limit Command 3-1
0x13 1 byte Limit Command 3-2
0x14 1 byte Limit Command 3-3 (UNUSED)
0x15 1 byte Limit Command 4-1
0x16 1 byte Limit Command 4-2 (UNUSED)
0x17 1 byte Limit Command 4-3 (UNUSED)
0x18 2 bytes Kills required for Limit Level 2
0x1A 2 bytes Kills required for Limit Level 3
0x1C 2 bytes Uses required for Limit 1-2
0x1E 2 bytes Uses required for Limit 1-3 (UNUSED)
0x20 2 bytes Uses required for Limit 2-2
0x22 2 bytes Uses required for Limit 2-3 (UNUSED)
0x24 2 bytes Uses required for Limit 3-2
0x26 2 bytes Uses required for Limit 3-3 (UNUSED)
0x28 4 bytes HP Divisor for Limit Level 1
0x2C 4 bytes HP Divisor for Limit Level 2
0x30 4 bytes HP Divisor for Limit Level 3
0x34 4 bytes HP Divisor for Limit Level 4

Stat curve record

Each entry is 16 bytes long and contains eight pairs of Gradients and Bases (1 byte each) for eight different level groups:

2-11   12-21   22-31   32-41   42-51   52-61   62-81   82-99

The general formula for primary stats to follow is:

Stat Difference = Rnd(1..8) + Base + Floor(Gradient * [Level Attained] / 100) - Current Stat

This difference is capped at 11 and the value located at &[0x01F8 + Stat Difference] is added to that Stat.

HP and MP use a similar system, but a different formula:

HP Baseline = Base * 40 +  (Level - 1) * Gradient
MP Baseline = Base * 40 + [(Level - 1) * Gradient / 10]

Difference = Rnd(1..8) + [100 * Baseline / Current Stat] - 100

In the above formulas, Base is a signed byte (between -128 and 127) so Base * 40 can range between -5120 and 5080.
Again, this difference is capped at 11 and the appropriate points are increased by (Base is now treated as an unsigned byte):

(&[0x204 + Difference] / 100) * Base for HP
(&[0x210 + Difference] / 100) * [Level * Gradient / 10] - [(Level - 1) * Gradient / 10] for MP

where &[x] is the value located at the address of this section

The Experience level curves are 16 bytes long, although only eight bytes of each are used. Experience is calculated on a need-to-level basis. This means that the total Experience needed for each character to reach the next level is calculated and stored in memory.

Needed XP = [Mod * ((Lvl-1) ^ 2) / 10]

Where Mod is the value of the byte at the point in the curve based on the level to attain. So with a Mod of 70, to get to level 13 from level 12, a character would need:

70 * ((13-1) ^ 2) /10 
70 * (144 / 10)
70 * Floor( 14.4 )
980 additional XP

The savemap contains information about the needed XP to get to the next level for each character so it can be assumed that the game only performs this calculation at level up and changes the needed XP stat accordingly and compares that against the total XP the character has to determine when the next level occurs.
To calculate the total XP needed for a given level:

XP = 0
For I = 1 to Lvl-1
  XP = XP + [Mod * (I ^ 2) / 10]
Next I

The Mod only needs to be assigned based on the character’s current level.

Character AI data

Section contains 24-byte header representing 2-bytes per script block (1 per character?). Each number is an offset from the beginning of this block to the actual AI data. Each script block follows the same AI data found in the Battle Scenes. A basic disassembly of the characters’ scripts can be found here

Scene.bin Look-up Table

In order to understand the purpose of this table we must understand the structure of the compressed and packed scene.bin file. It is divided into blocks of 8K in size. Each of these blocks begins with an array of pointers that point to a compressed array of bytes that contain a single scene file. There can be between 1 and 16 inclusive scenes in each of these blocks.

There is no direct indication of how many scenes are in each block other than searching through all the headers to find the desired one. It would take a noticeable amount of time to search through each block when the greater valued formations are requested. The working solution to this is a look up table that would tell the scene retrieval method which block contains the desired scene. Enter the Scene Look-Up Table (hereafter abbreviated SLUT because I can :) ).

When a specific formation ID is requested, the Scene File that contains it can be determined like this:

Scene File = ( Formation ID AND FFFC ) >> 2

So, for example, we know that formation 134h would be in scene 4Dh.

Without searching through all the blocks as noted above, this table serves to indicate what the first scene is in each block of 8K. When a formation is to be loaded, the containing scene file is retrieved as mentioned above then the SLUT is looped through to find the lowest value greater than the requested scene then uses the value BEFORE that.

Unmodded SLUT:
00 0C 12 19 21 27 2D 35 3D 49 51 5A ...etc

Desired scene is 4D. 51 is first in that list greater than 4D. Value to the left of that is used (49).

Then we know that the 10th block in the scene.bin contains the scene and formation we’re looking for. The rest of the details of what happens next don’t matter. This is all that involves the SLUT.

This needs to be checked/updated each time the scene.bin is compressed and repacked. If not it can lead to errors and out-of-place formations being used.

As an example, if a modder changes the one of the scenes in the first block it may not be able to fit together in an 8K block of compressed space with all its original “brothers.” The last scene in this block is then kicked out of that block and into the next. Now each scene in the next block is off by one file. This will domino onward displacing scene after scene until a block with enough padding can absorb a new scene without going over the 8K limit.

So if formation 31h is requested it will see that formation is part of scene 0Ch which is the first scene of block three. But since one of the scenes from block 1 became the first scene in block 2, the game will load the second formation in the first scene which won’t match the one we’re really looking for. The solution is to change the second byte in the SLUT to 0Bh which will correctly indicate that the desired scene is actually the second scene of block two.

Also consider if scene 0Bh were requested. The scene retrieval mentioned above leads the game to conclude that scene 0Bh is in the first block. However, when it tries to loop through the pointers in the block, it will find a null pointer. Then an error beyond your imagination will occur: the game will crash!! D: (not verified, but probably around 0x5D116B)

Both Hojo and Proud Clod will examine this SLUT automatically and make changes accordingly. The moral of the above story is use one of these programs when altering the scene.bin and let them take action accordingly on the KERNEL.BIN.

Bonus Info: Since there are only 64 bytes allotted to this table, there must be no more than 64 blocks in a scene.bin file which indirectly limits its size to 64 * 8K or 512K.

Magic Order

This segment of data tells the game in what order to load the attacks into which Magic section. There are four Magic sections: Restore, Attack, Indirect, and Special. The first three can be reorganized in the battle’s magic menu. When the first 56 attacks are loaded, these bytes tell the game which section and what order to be loaded in:

AAA - Section
BBBBB - Index within section of attack loaded

The Magic menu will only display sections 0 - 3 (Summons are section 4, E.Skills are section 5, etc.). The sections are then displayed sequentially in the field magic menu and in the order specified in the battle menu.

Eg: The fourth attack in Attack data is Regen. The fourth byte in this data segment is 08. This means load Regen into section 0 at position 8.