KERNEL.BIN - Section 7: Armor data format

This section contains the armor data. Each record is 36 bytes long.

Offset Length Description
0x00 1 byte Unknown
0x01 1 byte Damage Type, Based off values of Elemental Type
  0xFF Normal
0x00 Absorb  
0x01 Nullify  
0x02 Halve  
0x02 1 byte Defense
0x03 1 byte Magic Defense
0x04 1 byte Defense %
0x05 1 byte Magic Defense %
0x06 1 byte Status Defense. Index of status bit.
0x07 2 bytes Unknown
0x09 8 bytes Materia Slots
  0x00 No Slot
0x01 Empty Unlinked Slot  
0x02 Empty Left Linked Slot  
0x03 Empty Right linked Slot  
0x05 Unlinked Slot  
0x06 Left Linked Slot  
0x07 Right Linked Slot  
0x11 1 byte Materia Growth (0, 1, 2, 3 for None, Normal, Double, Triple. All other values are “Normal” Growth)
0x12 2 bytes Equip Mask
  0x0001 Equipable on Cloud
0x0002 Equipable on Barret  
0x0004 Equipable on Tifa  
0x0008 Equipable on Aeris  
0x0010 Equipable on Red XIII  
0x0020 Equipable on Yuffie  
0x0040 Equipable on Cait Sith  
0x0080 Equipable on Vincent  
0x0100 Equipable on Cid  
0x0200 Equipable on Young Cloud  
0x0400 Equipable on Sephiroth  
0x14 2 bytes Elemental Defense
0x16 2 bytes Unknown [Always 0x00FF]
0x18 4 bytes Stat Bonus
  0xFF None
0x00 Strength  
0x01 Vitality  
0x02 Magic  
0x03 Spirit  
0x04 Dexterity  
0x05 Luck  
0x1C 4 bytes Stat Increase
0x20 2 bytes Restriction Mask (If the following bits are 0)
  01h Can be sold
02h Can be used in Battle  
04h Can be used in Menu Out of Battle  
Other values have no effect    
0x22 2 bytes Unknown [Always 0xFFFF]